Welcome friend …

Steve Greene is a naturalist, free thinker, and seeker of truth. He pursues absolute truth in all things, modifying his existence as supported by legitimate evidence. His ideological foundation rests on the respect of life, as he follows a path of health, serenity, and maximum functional longevity.

He has authored eleven books, and is a noted authority on Death Valley National Park, human powered recumbent tricycle and bicycle touring, health and fitness, and professional law enforcement. Steve has not owned a petroleum powered automobile since 2008, as part of his environmental preservation paradigm. He thrives on a whole food plant-based diet, exercises regularly (bodybuilding, hiking, cycling), and enjoys exploring the wilderness, beyond the bounds of human dominance. Harmony with nature tops his priorities.

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“Time is a human construct. Our entire lives are lived in the present moment, not in the past, and not in the future. There is no past or future, except in our little minds. Whenever we spend our lives lamenting the past, or fearing what might be in the future, we lose the present, which can never be regained. All we ever have is now, the very essence of our existence. Life is a fleeting adventure that cannot be conquered, only experienced to the fullest … as an eager participant, happy to express joy with all those who treasure our company. Cherish the moment, share a smile, be at peace.” 

– Wild Steve



Thanks for stopping by the Wild Steve website. So what does the wild portion of the title have to do with things? Well, it’s because I am one who finds my peace and meaning in life largely from the wild places of this planet that I roam. I enjoy spending significant time in the wilderness areas of the Earth, whether it be hiking, exploring, human powered cycling, or just plain sitting on a boulder overlooking the mountains and valleys spread out before me. The grand vistas readily assist me in understanding my minuscule place in what we humans call life. John Muir once beckoned us to come to the woods, for here is rest – I would add that here is also enlightenment, found only in the secret recesses away from what we have come to know as civilization.

Steve PCT 01Getting lost out in the wilds refreshes my spirit, as the trivial aspects of humanity cannot find me!

2014 Pacific Crest Trail (212)
